The Tree of the Siren

Okay, so the picture is a little off from the actual setting of the story, but this was originally for a Weekly Photo Challenge. 🙂

A young girl ran through the forest behind her house after her boyfriend broke up with her. She kept running even though twigs and branches were snatching at her legs and tearing her white dress. Eventually she ran far enough that she emerged on the other side of the forest to a place similar to that in the photo. Only, instead of ocean, there was a vast valley and where the father and daughter are, there was a single large tree which she climbed and perched herself in. This tree stood surrounded by patches of beautiful flowers and bushes and had branches overhanging the edge of the cliff which then dropped down to the valley floor. On the other side of the valley were mountains covered by green foliage that grew from the start of the valley up to the highest peak on those mountains.

The sun was just beginning to set, the sun casting a pink-orange glow over everything surrounding the girl. Sunset was a magical time. Everything was so beautiful; so at peace. She began to feel different. A feeling she’d never experience before began to creep inside he, overwhelming her at first but she soon gave into it- feeling the warmth, peace and tranquility coursing through her entire being. Then there, up in the tree, looking out over the valley, she began to sing.

Her voice was soft and angelic – the soft, warm breeze picking up speed as it carried the lyrics of her eerily, beautiful song into the distance. Her voice echoed through the valley as though it were bouncing off the surrounding mountains.

Continuing to sing, each of her notes growing louder and more powerful than the last. The wind gained more speed, intensifying as the song climbed in crescendo; her long, blonde hair whipped through the air as though wanting to be swept away with the wind. All around her, the leaves, branches and bushes rustled louder as if to compete with the volume of the song. Reaching the climax of her song she stopped suddenly. The trees became silent and the wind still.

The sun was almost below the horizon now and it was time she went home. She did not want to go home. She didn’t want to see him again. But, she must. The forest is no place for a young girl after dark. After one last look at the horizon, she turned and jumped out of the tree. She headed for the forest but stopped. Turning around to face the tree again, she notice a small pink flower near the top. It wasn’t there before. At least, she didn’t think so.

Beginning for the forest once more, she saw a figure emerging from the thick foliage. It was the youngest son of the new neighbours.

“What are you doing here?” She questioned the boy looking upset and sounding quite scared.

The boy just smiled and replied, “You have a lovely voice”.

The title is random because I couldn’t think of anything for it.. Ha ha! Another piece I’ve brought over from my main blog. There was originally more to this story, but I think this is a good place to end it for now. ;D